2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

2023 Annual Kingman Area Users Association Meeting
Thanks to the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office for hosting the meeting in their excellent facility.
Meeting came to order at 10:01 a.m. at the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office in Kingman.
& Introductions: KAUA Board, BLM Representatives and Members attending.


(updated 06/13/2023)

Ken McLaughlin-Wecom, KAUA President

Paul Baughman-Mohave County Flood Control, KAUA Vice President

Joey Bringhurst – Wecom, KAUA Secretary Treasurer

Nate Maakestad – Arizona G&T
Keith Thomas – Carrier Communications
Dave Levine – SBA
Duane Dunn – Wecom

Amanda Dobson – BLM

Maria Nicoletti-BLM
Anthony Martinez – Unisource Energy Service Electric (UESE)
Darrel Smith – Crown Castle
Jonathan Abernathy – American Tower
Dustin Lewis – Lewis Equipment
John Pledger – Kinder Morgan
Caleb Caspe – Unisource Electric
David Jurado – BLM
Ran Hanks – Mohave County Flood Control
Faron Eckelbarger – Arizona Broadcast Engineering/Advanced Ministries/Cameron Broadcasting/Murphy Broadcasting/Steve Greely

VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE: Instructions given by KAUA President Ken McLaughlin to allow the opportunity for attendees who signed into TEAMS to speak.
Don Petrone – Radio Communications
Patrick Barringer-GovNet, Zeb High-Towerco, Andy Baxley-SBA, Linda Socolow-SBA
A special thanks to Micaela Carlson – Mohave County Sheriff’s Office for operating the TEAMS virtual meeting.


A copy of the KAUA 2022 meeting minutes, financial report and technical committee report was given to each person in attendance. Following discussion, a motion to accept the 2022 KAUA Meeting minutes was made by Jon Abernathy-American Tower and seconded by Dustin Lewis-Lewis Construction. Motion passed unanimously.


Secretary Treasurer Joey Bringhurst-Wecom read over the financial report with highlights regarding expenditures for the Oatman/Hualapai Mountain/Getz Peak repairs and culvert installations. There was work done on Getz Peak at the discretion of the Road Committe which there is an outstanding owed for the work & repairs. (Further information was given during the Road Committe Report) Following general discussion, a motion to accept the Financial Report was made by Jon Abernathy-Amercian Tower and seconded by Anthony Martinez-Unisource Electric. Motion passed unanimously.


President Ken McLaughlin-Wecom read over the technical report which described the 2022 Hualapai Mountain, Getz Peak and Oatman BLMI inspections. Two Technical Data Sheets were submitted to the BLM and KAUA Technical Committe; 1) Arizona Department of Public Safety for new transmitter and radio system construction, and 2) Steve Greely/Arizona Broadcast Engineering to move a FM radio transmitter from Getz Peak to Potato Patch I on Hualapai Mountain. No issues were raised by the Technical Committee or interference issues appeared before or following. A motion to accept the technical committee report was made by Jon Abernathy seconded by Anthony Martinez-Unisource Electric and passed with one objection.


Chairman Dustin Lewis-Lewis Equipment read the Road Committe report which discussion focused on the phased repairs of the Oatman, Hualapai Mountain and Getz Peak roads. Essential repairs were made while holding some road funds in reserve in the event of an emergency repair needed, i.e., storm damage. Several culverts were installed on the Hualapai road leading to Hayden Peak while other remaining are held in reserve/storage at the Lewis Equipment yard free of storage charge until adequate funds are available to install them in the next phase of repair and road maintenance. Discussion regarding the Getz Peak Road began following in which the Road Committe due to equipment transport costs, severely damaged condition of the road and imminent (storm related) further damage necessitated immediate action to repair the road for vital services at the Getz sites. A discussion was initiated by President Ken McLaughlin-Wecom followed up with several members contributing to see if the Getz Peak users/leaseholders (most were not present or represented) would like to pay off the remainder of the road repairs on Getz or pay it off annually with each of the annual assessments collected by KAUA. Farron Eckelbarger-Arizona of Broadcast Engineering/Advanced Ministries/Cameron Broadcasting/Murphy Broadcasting/Steve Greely proposed to move forward regardless how to pay the balanced to Lewis Equipment. The emergency repair work gave access to a majority of Getz Peak Users. This was seconded by Dave Levine-SBA and passed unanimously. President Ken McLaughlin asked Secretary Treasurer to craft a communication to the Getz Peak users for a decision to pay in one lump sum, increase assessment to maximum or over the course of normal annual assessments.


Determination of KAUA Members in good or bad standing with of KAUA – KAUA Financial Report (to be published) Site lease and road fees not paid are technically in violation of the BLM lease terms and conditions per KAUA Bylaws Article III, Section 4, paragraph 2 & 3.


A request to open a discussion of incorporating annual site inspection results to the www.kingmanradio.com (KAUA) website. Statistical data suggest the hard copy issued to site representatives during inspection have not and are not adequate to inform the site user organizations of BLM site deficiencies and violations of terms and conditions of lease. Having information available on the website (given its easy to remember URL name for the KAUA website) can offer instant access to that information. Jon Abernathy-American Tower suggested a redacted type of page could be added using the BLM AZ number and corrections required without using names, address and phone numbers. Discussion followed in which a motion to incorporate the above type of information page to the KAUA website by Jon Abernathy seconded by Dave Levine-SBA and passed unanimously. Official written notice from the Bureau of Land Management will still be in force and sent to the User/Leaseholder address of record. See KAUA Bylaws Article IV Section 2 It is the leaseholder’s responsibility to ensure the contact information is accurate and inspection compliance is current.

An open discussion was initiated regarding adding a new section to the KAUA website regarding road conditions. President Ken McLaughlin-Wecom who furnishes and operates the www.kingmanradio.com (KAUA) website said he would add that section and maintain road information on the road conditions for Oatman/Haualpai/Getz Peak.


Changes for Hualapai Mountain-Potato Patch/Black Mesa/Hayden Peak rates to maximum limit divided assessment of $20K per KAUA Bylaw Article III Section 2 Paragraph 1 as motion for action by Joey Bringhurst-Wecom and second by Jon Abernathy-American Tower was made with a unanimous approval of the members present. No objectives heard on teams TEAMS attendees. Motion Passed. No rate changes purposed for the Oatman Goldroad Crest and are remaining the same as the 2022 rates assessments.


Following discussion, motions and approval of available dates by BLM Staff, the following are dates and times set for inspections. Please place these dates, times and events on your schedule.

Oatman Goldroad Crest sites: April 19, 2023 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Arizona time.

Hualapai Mountain: June 6, 2023 starting with Potato Patch I & II, Black Mesa and Hayden Peak beginning at 9:00 a.m. Arizona time.

Please be advised that your facility is required to be open for inspection pursuant to the terms and conditions of your site lease. KAUA Bylaws Article IV, Section 2(2 A&B) 3&4.


Following nominations, acceptances and votes membership unanimously voted the 2023 KAUA Officers as follows:

President Ken McLaughlin-Wecom

Vice President Paul Baughman-Mohave County Flood Control

Secretary Treasurer Joey Bringhurst-Wecom

Following acceptances, the standing 2023 KAUA Committees are as follows:

Financial Committe Joey Bringhurst-Chairman, Ken McLaughlin-Member.

Technical Committee Ken McLaughlin-Chairman, members Duane Dunn, Don Petron and Ran Hanks.

Road Committe Dustin Lewis-Chairman, members Ken McLaughlin, Faron Eckelbarger, Jon Abernathy.

Please contact Ken McLaughlin kenm@wecominc.com if you have questions/comments or corrections to the draft minutes.



Motion to adjourn by Joey Bringhurst-Wecom and seconded by Jon Abernathy-American Tower. Unanimous and meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.